Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blog Post 1

Coming from a business background with aspirations of becoming more creative to assist in future endeavors including real-estate and sales, id have to say that I will be faced with many ethical hardships in my future.  Specifically in sales I know that on a daily basis I will be forced to make decisions that will benefit my company more than the seller, but that’s the business I tell myself.  Does that make it ok though?  I truly don’t know the answer to that because it seems as if it is the only way things are done now a days anyway, so why even play a side. 

Now back to the assignment, as the NFL season has just ended, the first pick of the 2012 draft has be awarded to the Indianapolis Colts.  They will be faced with the tough decision of to keep Peyton Manning and pay him the 28 million he will be owed in March, knowing they will be drafting QB Andrew Luck (best overall nfl prospect in last 20 years) or releasing the 4 time MVP who has been the face of the team for over a decade and arguably the greatest QB to ever play the game.  Ethically, they can’t let him go, after all he has done for the franchise and the city, bringing them to two Superbowls and bringing one title home.  But, it’s a business; he is turning 36 and sat out this whole season due to three neck surgeries.  So from a business aspect it seems like a no brainer, from an ethical standpoint it seems impossible to do such a thing, but I think that’s where we are headed.

Personally, I like to think of myself as a thinker, always “trying” to be both sides and how each benefits as the result of an ethical decision being made.  Have to give a shout out to mom on that one because I definitely got that from her (awwww right).  I believe I have the ability to evaluate and decide what is right and wrong, not saying I follow the right way every time but when I am wrong or doing something questionable I usually have a sense of it.

Throughout my experience thus far, I have learned that I need to clarify myself better in order to communicate my ideas and opinions more effectively.  I believe I am doing a better job and will only continue to grow as I continue here.

Being a big sports fan, I would like to see more talk regarding sports in class.  There is a ton of ethical topics that can be covered and related to other working situations.  Contracts, college athletes being paid, Jerry Sandusky, the list goes on and I say we tap in to that a little bit more. 

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